How to become a Ron Paul delegate
For Grand Forks County:
District Conventions have already taken place. If you are still interested in becoming a delegate, contact us ASAP as there are still some open seats.
If you are chosen to be a district delegate, you will attend the North Dakota GOP State Convention on March 28-30 at the Holiday Inn in Fargo. During the State Convention, a slate of nominees will be recommended by the Committee on Permanent Organization to be state delegates to the National Convention. Even though the Committee on Permanent Organization has chosen its preferred list of nominees, anyone may motion to nominate additional candidates from the floor. In order to be an eligible candidate for the National Convention, however, you must have submitted a delegate application by March 10, 2008. Twenty-six delegates and twenty-three alternates will be sent from the State Convention to the National Convention.
Finally, the GOP National Convention will be held in Minneapolis, MN, on September 1-4, 2008. The statewide Presidential Caucus results require all North Dakota national delegates to vote accordingly on the FIRST ballot ONLY. After the first ballot, delegates are free to vote for any presidential candidate at their own discretion. This is why it is so important to have Ron Paul supporters as national delegates!
If you are confused and the poorly drawn image below is not helping you, feel free to email me at

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