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Sunday, July 02, 2006


College Libertarians of the University of North Dakota Constitution
We, as students of the University of North Dakota, in order to raise awareness of classical liberalism or libertarianism; to encourage and actively support any person or organization that seeks to promote ideas on liberty, and to provide social opportunities for all persons interested in the philosophy of freedom, do hereby ordain and establish this constitution for the College Libertarians of the University of North Dakota.


Section 1. Name:
The name of this organization established by this constitution shall be the College Libertarians of the University of North Dakota (hereinafter referred to as College Libertarians).

Section 2. Purpose:
The purpose of this organization shall be to raise awareness of classical liberalism or libertarianism; to encourage and actively support any person or organization that seeks to promote ideas on liberty, and to provide social opportunities for all persons interested in the philosophy of freedom.

Section 3. Affiliations:
This organization shall be affiliated with the North Dakota Libertarian Party. The rules and regulations of the national constitution shall be followed when not inconsistent with the rules and regulations of the University of North Dakota. When inconsistencies are present, this organization shall adhere to the rules and regulations of the University of North Dakota. A letter of affiliation is attached to the constitution.


Section 1. Non-discrimination Statement:
Membership in this organization shall be without regard to race, religion, age, color, sex, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, veterans’ status, or political belief or affiliation.


Section 1. Requirements for Membership:
A. Membership shall be open to all registered students, faculty, staff, and alumni of the University of North Dakota, as well as citizens of the surrounding communities, who support the purpose of the College Libertarians and who register with the Secretary of the College Libertarians. There shall be two types of membership: associate membership and voting membership.
B. An associate member is any registered student, faculty member, staff, or alumnus of the University of North Dakota, or citizen of the surrounding communities, who supports the purpose of the College Libertarians and has registered with the Secretary of the College Libertarians.
C. A voting member is any student associate member who has paid dues, should any dues be required. Only voting members shall be allowed to hold office and vote, including, but not limited to, voting on the election or removal of officers, removal of members, amendments to the constitution or bylaws, and all financial matters.
  1. No member shall be required to be a member of any other organization, including the national Libertarian Party or any state Libertarian Party.

  2. No academic credit shall be offered for participation and/or membership in this organization.

Section 2. Removal of Members:
Associate and voting membership shall be terminated immediately if:
A. a member notifies the Secretary of the College Libertarians that he or she no longer wishes to be a member, or
B. by a two-thirds majority vote of all voting members during a general meeting, a member is deemed to have exhibited irresponsible or unruly conduct at a College Libertarians meeting or College Libertarians-sponsored event, violated university policy, or violated the UND Code of Student Life, or
C. by three-fourths majority vote of the Executive Committee, a member is deemed to have exhibited irresponsible or unruly conduct at a College Libertarians meeting or College Libertarians-sponsored event, violated university policy, or violated the UND Code of Student Life.
A voting member, including an officer, shall be free to vote against his or her own removal.
Upon termination of membership, the former member shall return any College Libertarians’ belongings in his or her possession to the President or Vice President of the College Libertarians. Any dues paid for the current semester by a member removed via a vote of the Executive Committee or voting membership shall be returned to the former member within one week of his or her removal.

Section 3. Appeal of Removal of Members:
Former members may appeal the termination of their membership.
If a former member was removed via a two-thirds majority vote of all voting members during a general meeting, the former member may petition an appeal to the Secretary or President of the College Libertarians and, within one month, the Executive Committee shall meet and hear the appeal from the former member. The former member may then be reinstated by three-fourths of the Executive Committee.
If a former member was removed via a three-fourths majority vote of the Executive Committee, the former member may petition an appeal to the Secretary or President of the College Libertarians and, at the next general meeting, the appeal shall be heard by the voting membership present. The former member may then be reinstated by a majority vote of all voting members present and voting.


Section 1. Elected Officers:
There shall be four offices: the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. No member shall hold more than one office simultaneously. The Executive Committee shall consist of these four offices.

Section 2. Qualifications for Holding Office:
In order to be eligible to hold an office in this organization, the candidate must be a voting member of the organization.

Section 3. Elections:
A. The officers of the organization shall be elected for a term of one year
B. There will be no restrictions placed on the number of terms of office a member may hold.
C. Elections will be held during a designated general meeting in the month of April
D. Election to office will be by simple majority vote of the members present. If, in the case of multiple candidate elections, no one candidate achieves a majority of the votes cast, the candidate with the least number of votes will be dropped from the ballot and another voting round will commence until a majority vote is achieved. No new nominees may be accepted in these subsequent ballots.

Section 4. Duties of the Officers:
A. The President shall be the principal executive officer and shall have the following duties:
1. To preside at all meetings of the organization.
2. To call special meetings of the organization, when required.
3. To submit an Officer Roster Card at the beginning of each semester to the Coordinator of Student Organizations.
4. To schedule all practices, classes, and other activities of the organization, and to obtain appropriate facilities for these activities and notify all members of meetings.
5. To prepare and file any report required by the University.
6. To appoint committee chair people subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
7. To act as the College Libertarians’ liaison to other organizations, including the Libertarian Party
8. To perform other duties as specified in the bylaws.
9. To prepare and maintain a manual/binder related to the office and to review all materials in the transition of the incoming President prior to giving up the office.
10. and faithfully execute any action or directive approved by the voting membership

B. The Vice President shall have the following duties:
1. To assume the duties of the President (until a special election can be held) in the event of a vacancy in the office.
2. To serve as an ex-officio member of the Standing Committees of the organization.
3. To plan the officers' orientation and organization retreats.
4. To be the College Libertarian’s liaison to the University of North Dakota Student Government’s Student Activities Committee (SAC).
5. To perform other duties as assigned by the President or as specified in the bylaws.
6. To prepare and maintain a manual/binder related to the office and to review all materials in the transition of the incoming Vice President prior to giving up the office.
7. and faithfully execute any action or directive approved by the voting membership

C. The Secretary shall have the following duties:
1. To keep record of all votes and attendance of general meetings,
2. To register the names and contact information of any eligible persons who wish to be associate or voting members
3. To notify fellow officers and voting members of new members.
4. To keep and distribute minutes of each meeting of the organization.
5. To handle all official correspondence of the organization, and keep all organizational records and the official copy of the constitution
6. To perform other duties as assigned by the President or as specified in the bylaws.
7. To prepare and maintain a manual/binder related to the office and to review all materials in the transition of the incoming Secretary prior to giving up the office.
8. and faithfully execute any action or directive approved by the voting membership

D. The Treasurer shall have the following duties:
1. To keep all financial records of the organization.
2. To collect dues and donations from members and others and notify the Secretary when members have paid any required dues
3. To prepare and submit financial reports to the members.
4. To prepare the annual budget and all budget requests for funds.
5. To submit financial records for an annual audit to the Coordinator of Student Organizations at the end of Spring semester.
6. To become familiar with University accounting procedures and policies.
7. To perform other duties as assigned by the President or as specified in the bylaws
8. To prepare and maintain a manual/binder related to the office and to review all materials in the transition of the incoming Treasurer prior to giving up the office.
9. and faithfully execute any action or directive approved by the voting membership

Section 5. Vacancy of an Office:
If an office becomes vacant, it shall be filled by special election at the next general meeting. The procedure for regular elections shall apply. The winner of the special election shall serve in office until the next regular elections have concluded.

If all offices are simultaneously vacant, membership rules shall be temporarily waived and all registered students of the University of North Dakota who support the purpose of the College Libertarians shall be considered voting members for the purpose of conducting a special election. There must be at least five voting members present and voting at all times in order for this special election to be valid. Any voting member may nominate himself or herself to be chair for the purpose of presiding over the special election. Candidates for chair or office may vote for themselves. The chair shall be elected by plurality vote, conducted by open ballot, of the voting members present and voting. The procedure for regular elections shall then apply. After the officers have been elected, membership rules shall again apply and the next general meeting shall be considered the first general meeting of the semester.

Section 6. Removal of Officers:
Officers shall be removed from office immediately if:
A. by a two-thirds majority vote of all voting members during a general meeting, a member is deemed to have exhibited irresponsible or unruly conduct at a College Libertarians meeting or College Libertarians-sponsored event, violated university policy, or violated the UND Code of Student Life, or to have broken the letter or spirit of this constitution or
B. by three-fourths majority vote of the Executive Committee, a member is deemed to have exhibited irresponsible or unruly conduct at a College Libertarians meeting or College Libertarians-sponsored event, violated university policy, or violated the UND Code of Student Life or to have broken the letter or spirit of this constitution.
Upon removal from office, the former officer shall return any College Libertarians’ belongings related to his or her former office to a member of the Executive Committee.

Section 7. Appeal of Removal of Officer:
If an officer is removed via a three-fourths majority vote of the Executive Committee, the former officer may petition an appeal to the Secretary or President of the College Libertarians. At the next general meeting, the appeal shall be heard by the voting membership present. The former officer may be reinstated by a majority vote of all voting members present and voting.

Section 8. Changes in Officers.
All changes in officers or mailing addresses shall be submitted to the Coordinator of Student Organizations within two weeks of such a change.


Section 1. Advisor Selection.
A. The Advisor to this organization must be a member of the UND faculty or staff.
B. The organization Advisor shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Role of the Advisor.
A. The Advisor must co-sign all financial transactions of the organization.
B. The Advisor shall assist the officers and the members in accomplishing the purpose of this organization.
C. The Advisor shall regularly review the financial records of the organization and forward mailings to the appropriate officers.


Section 1. Meetings:
A. Business meetings of the organization shall be called by the President at least once a semester during the academic year.
B. Non-business meetings for the purpose of instruction, practice, or other activities shall be held upon one week notice to the members.

Section 2. Special Meetings:
A. Special meetings may be called by the President upon one week notice to the members.
B. The President shall call a special meeting when requested by 50% of the voting membership.

Section 3. Quorum:
A. A quorum at business meetings shall consist of simple majority of the voting membership present.
B. Quorum is not required to hold non-business meetings (such as instruction, classes, or other activities).

Section 4. Parliamentary Authority:
The Parliamentary Authority for this organization shall be Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure.


Section 1. Responsibility:
Management of this organization shall be vested in an Executive Committee responsible to the entire membership to uphold this constitution.

Section 2. Membership:
Membership shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Advisor.

Section 3. Meetings:
The Executive Committee shall meet before each business meeting to organize and plan future activities and agenda items for meetings.

Section 4. Quorum:
A quorum of this committee shall consist of simple majority


Section 1. Authority to Establish Special Committees:
The President shall have the authority to appoint any special committees, with the approval of the Executive Committee, as well as meet the needs of the organization.

Section 2. Special Committees:
These committees may include, but are not limited to the following:
A. Membership Committee
B. Program Committee
C. Publicity Committee
D. Conference Committee
E. Fund-raising committee


Section 1. University Account:
A. All funds from University sources must be deposited and maintained in a University of North Dakota account.
B. The President and/or the Treasurer shall be authorized to sign all financial transactions dealing with organization funds.
C. The Advisor of the organization must co-sign all financial transactions of the organization.
D. The financial records/ledger of the on-campus account must be submitted for an annual audit to the Coordinator of Student Organizations at the end of the Spring Semester.

Section 2. Dues:
The amount of dues, if any, for the current semester shall be agreed upon by a two-thirds majority vote of those officers and student associate members present and voting at the first or second general meeting of the semester. Failure to agree upon the amount of dues within the first two general meetings of the semester shall result in the waiver of the dues requirement; at that time, all student associate members shall be considered voting members for the remainder of that semester. All officers shall pay any required dues to retain voting membership status and remain in office.


Section 1. Provision for Bylaws:
A. The organization may approve bylaws for the specific operation of the organization.
B. No bylaw shall be adopted that is contrary to the provisions of this constitution.

Section 2. Vote Required:
A. The organization may adopt, amend, or rescind any bylaw by simple majority vote of the membership.
B. Any proposed bylaw must be publicized to the members at least one meeting prior to the meeting at which it is going to be voted upon.


Section 1. Ratification:
A. A proposed amendment to this constitution shall be presented to the members at least one meeting prior to the first meeting at which the vote shall be held. This constitution may not be amended at summer meetings.
B. Ratification of an amendment to this constitution shall require a three-fourths majority vote of the members present at two consecutive regularly scheduled business meeting of the organization and all amendments to this constitution shall be approved by the Student Policy Committee before they take effect.


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